Community Events

At Kingsway, part of our Mission Statement is ‘building community’. So our community is really important to us! We put on many free events across the year including an Easter Egg Hunt, a Scarecrow Hunt and our biggest event of the year - The Winter Wonderland! Take a look at some photos from our past events! If you would like to know more, please get in contact with us!

Here is a walkthrough of our Winter Wonderland!

  • Food Bank

    Kingsway Food Bank is huge for our community. We provide basic items to help those who are in crisis. We would really appreciate any donations consisting of: tinned foods, toiletries and any items that would make a meal! Please get in contact know more.

  • Uniform Club

    Our uniform club is our latest exciting project! It allows us to support families in our community with free, pre-loved school uniform to a range of schools in our area such as Wombourne High and Blakely. If you would like to enquire about any uniform for your child then please contact us here

We are very grateful to our funders to allow us to run our programme of community work.